Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Function Pointers and Callback Functions

Pointer: It will hold the address of the varialbe.

Function Pointer: It will hold the address of the function. and its notation is like this
int (*func_ptr)();

Here if we not put a bracket it takes the function(func_ptr) going to return integer pointer.
For holding the address we need to use pointer symbol(*) -->(*func_ptr) and to avoid the
confusion we added the bracket(*func_ptr).

If we are using a funciton pointer to hold the address of another function means that function pointer must have same numbers of parameter and same type and the return type also

Function Pointer Example:

void print()
printf("Called via Function pointer");
int main()
void (*func_ptr)(void);

func_ptr = print;
return 0;

Usage of Function Pointers:
In a same place. if we need to call a multiple function in a different time we can use function pointers. Best example is uboot intialization sequence.

Uboot Initialization Sequence:
In the lib_ppc/board.c file line no:288


we have an pointer array called(*init_sequence[] ). This array containg function for initalizing ram, flash, clock, watchdog timer, i2c, POST test etc ... Using a single function pointer(init_fnc_ptr) we are calling all the initialization funciton one by one and intializing all the pheriperals.

for (init_fnc_ptr = init_sequence; *init_fnc_ptr; ++init_fnc_ptr) {
if ((*init_fnc_ptr) () != 0) {
hang ();

Callback Functions: Extension of function pointer is callback functions.
We can register a function with the function pointer and called that function via function pointer when particular event happens thats why we called as call-back functions.

Simple example of callback function:

Realtime Usage:
Best example is Win32 API programming. In that we will write a function for mouse left click and right click and register that function as callback functions. At the runtime if we right click the mouse that particualr right click call-back function will call.

In Linux we will use the callback function for registering interrupt etc ..

Syntax of request_irq:

int request_irq (unsigned int irq, void (*handler) (int, void *, struct pt_regs *), unsigned long irqflags, const char *devname, void *dev_id);

ret = request_irq(4, handler, SA_INTERRUPT, "serialport", handler);

In the above example, handler is a callback function, We are sending our own function to the request_irq, request_irq register this function with the function pointer, if interrupt happens our callback function(handler) will call via that particular function pointers.

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